We are John and Jessica. We are honored that you are interested in learning more about us as prospective parents. 
We met in college and became fast friends. Our friendship grew into romance, and we started dating while studying abroad in 2004. John graduated in 2004, and we married right after Jessie graduated in 2006. We both agreed we wanted a large family. We planned to try to conceive, but we always considered adoption another great option. Over the years, we have been blessed to adopt three beautiful children, two from South Korea and one domestically. Hannah is twelve, Daniel is nine, and Gabriel is three.  
John works from home as a software engineer. Jessie worked as a dental assistant until we brought Hannah home. Now Jessie is a stay-at-home mom with no plans to return to a "normal" job. 
We're an active family that would enjoy having more children to love and raise.

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Financial Support

Expectant mothers who choose to make an adoption plan may qualify for some level of financial assistance during their pregnancy. However, each person's situation and specific needs are different. Your adoption social worker can help you determine what level of assistance you qualify for and deserve. Many expectant mothers qualify for financial assistance to cover basic pregnancy and living expenses, including but not limited to - transportation reimbursement, utility assistance for phone, water, and electricity/gas, maternity clothing and supplements, etc.


Food & Groceries


Medical Expenses


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FAQ’s about placing a baby for Adoption

I'm considering giving my baby up for adoption. How much does that cost?

It won't cost you anything. If you choose to place your baby for adoption, all of your medical and legal fees will be covered and you may be eligible for financial assistance with other pregnancy-related expenses.

I'm experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and don't know who the birth father is. Can I still place my baby for adoption?

Yes. Even if you don’t know the identity of the birth father, you can still choose to make an adoption plan. However, every adoption situation is different. The adoption social worker you’re assigned to will get to know you and your story first, and then guide you through the process accordingly.

When is the right time to talk with an adoption professional?

You can make an adoption plan at any point in your pregnancy, even after the baby has been born. But, it's important to start the process as early in your pregnancy as possible. Connecting with those resources will allow you to gain access to important medical services, including prenatal care, to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.

When I create an adoption plan, will I get to choose who is in the room with me during delivery?

One aspect of your adoption plan is the "Hospital Plan" an outline of how you'd like your hospital stay and delivery to go. You can craft this on your own or with the help of your adoption social worker. But everything is up to you. You’ll be able to choose who comes to the hospital with you, who is in the room with you during delivery, and how much time you’d like to spend with the baby before signing the final papers.

How much contact will I have with the adoptive family after I place my baby with them?

As part of your adoption plan, you'll determine whether or not you’d like to have an open or closed adoption or something in between. Open adoptions may include phone calls, messaging (via social media, email, or text), and/or periodic visits each year. Closed adoptions may include no contact at all or annual updates provided to the birth parent(s) by the adoptive family. Each post-adoption relationship is different and can vary based on what an expectant mother chooses in her adoption plan.

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Our Blogs

Spring Break Vacation


As you may have noticed our family loves to travel! I had a big birthday this year and for a birthday present I wanted to go on a trip. After much debate we decided to head down to Florida. We spent 10 days visiting St Augustine, NASA, State Parks, the Everglades, and the Keys! We hiked, snorkeled, swam, and Kayaked. We saw alligators, manatees, tons of birds and fish, and even a rocket launch. It was a good trip. One of the highlights for me was the Airboat ride in the Everglades. We love showing our kids new things and also historical places. 

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Thanksgiving is never a small gathering for us. This year we got together with only one of John's brothers, his family, and John's dad. On the smaller side for us but there was still 15 people there!  We normally have an early meal and then go for a nice long afternoon walk. We throw the football around and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Head back to the house for pies, coffee, and music. We love pies so we may have gone a bit over board and had 8 pies! Leftover pie for breakfast!

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Homeschooling trip


We love being able to homeschool our kids. We think it's so important for kids not only to read and hear about history and places but to experience them. So last month we took the family up to Boston, MA for a family vacation. In Boston we saw where the revolutionary war started and walked through the public garden where the story Make Way for Ducklings takes place. It is so intersting walking were history happened. One of the highlights was getting to go on board the USS Consitution, Old Iron Sides, the worlds oldest commisioned Navy ship still afloat. It dates back to 1797!  We also spent a couple of days near Bar Harbor, ME where we went on plenty of hikes explording the island. I love Acadia National Park. There are mountians, rocky beaches, lakes, and beautilful fall colors. The kids did great hiking and loved exploing the rocky coast looking in tide pools. It was a great time to bond and grow closer as a family. It was harding chosing just one picture to put here, so I will try to post more in the other photo albums!

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Great- Grandparents


John has 2 grandparents still living. His paternal grandfather and his maternal grandmother. We took a family road trip last weekend to visit them. First we went to Ohio and saw Pa. He turned 100 this past July! Pa is an amazing man who lived through both WW2 and the Korean war. Next we went up to Michigan and saw Great-grandma. She is the picture perfect grandmother who is so loving and giving. We were able to take her out to church on Sunday and then celebrate Hannah's 13th birthday with great-grandma.  While on the trip we visited 2 different science centers and stopped by our alma mater. We also visited some old friends who have apple trees and a hand cider press. We made homemade cider with them and brought a gallon home! I love fall! It was a busy long weekend but it was totally worth it to see family!

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Family Vacation


We had the chance to go on vacation with Jessie's family to a large property in Southern NY. We had a blast! Jessie's Mom, both of her brothers and their families were all able to come. The kids went fishing and swimming, played lots of games, had a talent show, and ate great food. We are so blessed to have a wonderful extended family.

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Peach picking


 When I was a kid my mom always took us to pick strawberries, peaches, and apples. So, I love taking the kids to pick fresh fruit. This week we went peach picking and got a lot! We have made peach crisp, pies, and are eating them all the time! Hannah and I also canned a few jars. I still have half a bushel I am working through. Jessie

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Olympic National Park


My mom is wonderful and offered to watch the kids memorial day weekend. We took her up on the offer and headed out west, just the two of us, to Olympic National Park west of Seattle.  We were excited to spend sometime together to focus on us and our marriage. We think it is important to have a healthy relationship to raise these kids in a happy and loving home. Olympic is beauitful and so deverse. There are snow covered mountains, temperate rainforest, and beaches with amazing tide pools. We were able to have great conversations and many long hikes. We are so thankful for my mom, and john's dad who helped take care of the kids. The kids did great and it was nice knowing there were grandparents there to spoil them a little bit. Jessie

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Easter Traditions


Our family loves to have little tradtions we do every year for different holiday's. One of our daughter Hannah's favorite is making John's great grandma's donuts every Easter Morning. We often go to church the night before. Easter morning Hannah and I get up early make and roll out the dough. Then Hannah and John fry them together. We invite our friends and neighbors to stop by after church and grab a donut and coffee. Some years we only have a few friends and some years it's large gathering. We love giving our kids memories and chances to serve others! Also the donuts are really good. Happy Easter!  

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Beautiful Sundays in Spring


Our family took advantage of the beauitful weather yesturday and went into DC with John's sister (Mary) to see the cherry blossoms. Unfortuantly the traffic was terrible! We couldn't find a parking spot anywhere! So John ended up dropping us off while he drove around trying to find a spot. The kids, Mary, and myself got to see the cherry blossoms and some of the kite festival. After an hour John came back and picked us up. He hardly complained the fact that he missed out on the cherry blossoms. The weather was so nice that we decided to drive out of the city some and go to a park for a short hike. We came upon a historic homestead in the middle of the park. The kids started exploring and wondering what it was like to live in a small house like this one. How did they sleep? How many animals lived on the farm? How far away was the nearest town? I love how their minds are always thinking and exploring. We love having family adventures outside and now that the weather is getting warming we are getting out more and more! Hannah grabbed this shot of John and...

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Field Trips


I love that taking the kids on field trips! This past friday I took the kids to the museum of industry in the science center in Baltimore. It was a beautiful day so, after we ate lunch we played at the park for a bit. It was a great day.

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Winter Vacation


Writing and blogging have never been my strength but I am going to do my best. Our family is very excited to welcome a new member into our family.  This week we took the family down to Great Wolf Lodge for some fun time at the water park! All of us love the water slides. We took turns going down some of the bigger slides with the big kids, Hannah and Daniel, and also enjoyed playing in the kiddie pool with Gabe. We love watching our kids play together and just to be together as a family. 

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Extended family vacation


Last month we went on a family vacation with John's side of the family. There were 54 people in one large house! I was a wonderful week filled with hiking, swimming, tubing, great food, music, and games! The kids loved having cousin time with all of the kids there. When we were out sometimes people asked us if we were a summer camp!

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